Sandra Miranda Pattin

CHIASSO PERDUTO is an experimental space for artistic residences and exhibitions in the center of Florence, is part of the Palazzo Macchiavelli and used to be the cellar and kitchens of the same palace. The aim is to open a dialogue with artists that results in a site specific intervention or to use the identity of the space to create projects that can go from installations, to performance, readings, events and other exhibitions. Our philosophy is always to create an interaction with the territory, to inquire about the position of an artist in front of a specific context, whether is the space itself with its architecture and history that already have a strong identity, be it a cultural dialogue with the neighborhood or the city and/or with the language, generating new codes that allow artists to expand their artistic research, perhaps breaking boundaries in terms of cultural constructions, techniques, of philosophical approaches and finally repositioning in front of a questioning of the conceptualization of the work itself. We are open to receive proposals that erase frontiers between artistic disciplines.